Saturday, October 2, 2010

CAMA gifts

You can now give directly to CAMA work online!

All CAMA giving options can be seen at:


You can give specifically to my support by scrolling down to "Suzy" (worker # 15285) at:

Once there, you can designate your gift as:
  • Support = field costs, monthly salary, housing, etc.
  • Work = special projects such as English student scholarships, costs of hosting gatherings for building relationships, assistance for Lao people when big needs arise (hospital bills, motorbike accidents, or funerals) in the context of intentional relationships
  • Outfit = personal purchases (motorbike, bed, house set-up)

How am I doing on support?
I have been blown away by the Father's provision through YOU. My heartfelt thanks goes to all of you who have given sacrificially, generously, and faithfully. There is no need to change how you are currently giving, but for some the links above may be more convenient.

Last year, I was asked to raise 75% of my costs. Your donations totaled over 93% of my costs! The rest was covered by CAMA. This year I have been asked to raise 75% again. Any support given above my total costs will go towards future service or other CAMA work.

If you have any other questions or would like more specific information related to my support, please don't hesitate to ask.

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