Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blogger's Block

Yup... I've got a really bad case of "blogger's block" y'all. It's not really a lack of things to say, I think it's the overwhelming choice of topics I could talk about. And there is no way I could possibly cover all of them:

from an amazing two week trip to Ethiopia and the many insights learned there...

to the water drama at our house that has FINALLY calmed down and we now have running water (insert hallelujah dance here)...

to an encouraging, timely, adventure-filled visit from my friend (and former VN roomie) Maren...

to goodbyes and hellos...

to processing and praying through major decisions regarding the future...

to a sweet Valentine's Day hearing "I love you" from my little teammates...

to the amazing pumpkin chocolate chip muffins thanks to allrecipes.com that I just took out the oven while enjoying "Revive our Hearts" podcast by Nancy Leigh DeMoss (ok- so maybe that one wouldn't qualify as an entire blog in and of itself- but I highly recommend both).

I could go on and on and on about so many things that have happened since the start of 2011. Seriously, there have been days I wonder how much more could possibly be happening all at once. Yet, through it all- three big themes are on my heart- and those are probably the best use of my blogging efforts. :)

1) He is faithful. (LOVE Sara Grove's song- "He's always been faithful")

2) My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, Lord, I will seek. (Ps. 27:8)

3) When I worry about the future, it is the same as thinking about a future without God- because a future with God in it is one I don't have to worry about! (quote from my momma- who heard a speaker on the radio... also Matthew 6:25-34)


David and Kristi said...

Love getting to read your blog! So encouraging. And your three thoughts at the end, spoke right to my heart. Thank you! Love you!

edufault said...

That is my favorite verse! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love reading your thoughts sweet girl...thanks for taking the time to blog. momma