Friday, July 18, 2008

How SWEET it is...

to be loved by YOU!  Ok, a bit cheesy to steal words from that old song, but true.  As I am in my last few days and hours of life as I know it here in Colorado with family and friends, the word that keeps coming to my mind is "sweet."  It has been sweet to connect with so many people these last few weeks- random visits, notes, e-mails, and phone calls.  It has been sweet to feel overwhelming support in so many ways- I truly feel covered in love and 'thoughts' from SO many.  And yet, the time is also bitter-sweet as the tears come at unexpected moments, and the anticipated goodbyes are becoming realities.  Sweet are the little details that have come together in the nick of time: my laptop got fixed a few days ago, my checks arrived from the bank today, my webcam was set up just this week, my chacos were exchanged for a new style that fit much better, etc.  And sweet are the ways our Father is preparing my heart for this new journey.

Here are a few more sweet details many have been asking about:

-Timeline Recap: THIS Monday (21st) I fly to CA where I'll meet my team and participate in orientation.  On the 24th I fly with my team and several others to Hanoi, VN for a month of TESOL training (Wheaton course). Then at the end of August our team of 4 will go to DaLat to begin teaching!!

-Subjects my teammates and I will be teaching to the University students in DaLat(who have already taken several years of English classes) include: English for Journalism, Business English, English Pronunciation & Practice, and Speaking & Listening.  Ask our Father to orchestrate just the right classes for each of us to teach.

-My sweet team consists of: 
KAREN (team leader from Iowa, Trinity International Univ. grad, we happen to have several mutual friends from The Alliance Academy!)
MAREN (also from Iowa, recent Univ. of Northern Iowa grad)
JENNY (from Minnesota, recent Wheaton College grad)
Please ask that our hearts would be of one spirit- that our unity might be good and pleasing in His sight, and a great challenge to our students and fellow teachers at the University.

-My suitcases are mostly packed. SWEET! I am taking two 50 lb. bags plus a very full carry-on... I sure hope the airport scale is the same as my scale at home because I'm using every pound allowed :)  Trying to decide what to pack for a year was quite the experience!  For those that know me well, you know the hardest part was probably determining what shoes to bring!!!!

-Many have asked how I am feeling. I am not really nervous yet- I think that will come my first day of teaching :)  I mostly feel excitement for what's ahead, but I also mourn the goodbyes.

-I am not sure what my address will be (a few people have asked about sending care packages).  I'll try to post it once I know.  Also, if you have SKYPE, you'll have to send me your Skype name :)

There are so many unknowns yet to unfold, and I can't wait to share this sweet adventure with all of you!!

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