Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Nights

Life continues to have a random flow to it here... the times you plan an event and work hard to initiate and invite, etc. it always seems to not work out like you planned- people cancel, it pours down rain (which affects attendance as most people drive motorbikes), or some other major event is taking place that you have no idea about. And the times you don't plan ahead, everything seems to beautifully fall into place. Maybe that's because last minute collaboration is the Lao way!

We (my roommates and I) have had a tradition of inviting over some Lao friends/neighbors/students/co-workers on Saturday nights for dinner and fun fellowship. Usually we work ahead, thinking through who to call and invite, what food to make, etc. (and by "ahead" I mean Friday night or Saturday morning- ha, ha). Two weeks ago we weren't really planning on it. And then a few "regulars" called asking if we were going to have it- and offered to bring the food!

Last week, plans came together Saturday afternoon... and I just marvel at how quickly and effortlessly large gatherings can be done here at the last minute! All you really need is a great market (we bought all the stuff for grilled fish wraps for less than $20- not bad for 12 people), and a big mat to eat on. :) My Lao friends and roommates have taught me a lot about working together on stuff like this... everyone helps prepare and clean up- not just the person hosting. It really makes it more fun and less stressful!

Here are some pics. from last week:

I'm gonna miss this food!

And these people!

These two are getting married this week!


David and Kristi said...

Sounds like a wonderful time and that food does look good, especially the price!!! Love to you!

Emily said...

Hey Suzy, what a great get together! Looks like a house full! I love doing the "pot-luck" style parties; they are so much easier to host and less stressful.
I remember the total frustration of trying to plan parties in Gambia, they never worked out for me. Someone told me being flexible isn't good enough, you have to be fluid! I'm not quite there yet.
I got your postcard yesterday -- thanks so much! Blessings!

Emily said...

Hey Suzy, what a great get together! Looks like a house full! I love doing the "pot-luck" style parties; they are so much easier to host and less stressful.
I remember the total frustration of trying to plan parties in Gambia, they never worked out for me. Someone told me being flexible isn't good enough, you have to be fluid! I'm not quite there yet.
I got your postcard yesterday -- thanks so much! Blessings!