I haven't posted pictures for a while, so here are a few. No real connections or theme...
Jenny and I are still working on P90X... our workouts aren't as regular as we'd like between our crazy schedules, but we keep at it. One night we were feeling particularly overwhelmed and pleased with our arms. Ha, ha!
My wonderful sister-in-law Debra Joy sent me this really fun top! She's a great shopper and gift-giver- I love it, and her. And I recently made plans to visit Dave & Deb and my cutest red haired nephews in "Green Mountains" this January for my 28th birthday!! :)

I enjoyed catching up with Maria (a girl who was in Jr. High youth group when I was a sponsor and I can't believe she's now a senior in high school)and her family while cleaning up trash on some park trails here in Colorado Springs- a church project to serve our community. I was amazed at how much trash we ended up with!
I could barely breathe on my way to work the other morning- the snow blanketing the mountains was SO glorious. Thank you Lord! I'm spoiled to see this beauty every day (I took this picture on the front steps of the office where I work so I wouldn't wreck Toby).
Oh, I miss those beautiful mountains!
Love the pics...never get tired of the mountains do we?Thanks for posting...:)
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